Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wishful Wednesday [14]

Selamat hari Rabu! Ini buku inceran saya minggu ini.

Revenge Wears Prada
by Lauren Weisberger

Everything’s in place for the season’s hottest launch:
Tall latte (with two raw sugars)? Check.
Gucci trench (draped over desk)? Check.
Outrageous, unreasonable demands? Check.
Andy has just turned thirty and is an incredibly successful magazine editor, working closely with her best friend Emily, another Runway survivor. She’s about to get married – life’s on track and she’s been careful to stay clear of Miranda Priestly, her dreadful first boss. But Andy’s luck is running out.
Miranda Priestly isn’t the kind of woman who hides in the background. She’s back… and more devilish than ever.
Saya belum pernah baca buku pertamanya - The Devil Wears Prada, tapi saya suka banget filmnya. Akting Anne Hathaway sebagai Andrea Sachs dan Meryl Streep sebagai Miranda Priestly bener-bener pas. Ditambah pakaian-pakaian  fashionable yang bertebaran, bener-bener menghibur mata. 

Apa Wishful Wednesday-mu minggu ini?


  1. Wah, jadi buku inceranku juga, deh. Buku The Devil Wears Prada lebih bikin 'sesak napas' (saking bagusnya) daripada filmnya, Mak. Tfs, ya. :)

  2. jngankan bukunya, filmnya sja sya baru thu nih mb..

  3. waksss udah ada ya sequelnya? pengeeeeen hahaha...buku pertamanya suka banget, filmnya juga sabar pengen baca lanjutannya :D

  4. skr sudah kamis hehehe kataun telat mampir kesininya
