Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wishful Wednesday [13]

Hore! Hari Rabu! Saatnya pamerin buku inceran yang terus nambah dan enggak abis-abis :D Minggu ini saya pengen buku ini.

Bébé Day by Day: 100 Keys to French Parenting
by Pamela Druckerman

A la carte wisdom from the international bestseller Bringing up Bebe.
In BRINGING UP BEBE, journalist and mother Pamela Druckerman investigated a society of good sleepers, gourmet eaters, and mostly calm parents. She set out to learn how the French achieve all this, while telling the story of her own young family in Paris.
BEBE DAY BY DAY distills the lessons of BRINGING UP BEBE into an easy-to-read guide for parents and caregivers.
How do you teach your child patience? How do you get him to like broccoli? How do you encourage your baby to sleep through the night? How can you have a child and still have a life?
Alongside these time tested lessons of French parenting are favorite recipes straight from the menus of the Parisian creche and winsome drawings by acclaimed French illustrator Margaux Motin.
Witty, pithy and brimming with common sense, BEBE DAY BY DAY offers a mix of practical tips and guiding principles, to help parents find their own way.
How can you have a child and still have a life? Wow saya harus baca buku ini. Sebenarnya ada banyak buku parenting yang ditulis oleh Pamela Druckerman. Tapi melihat banyaknya buku lain yang belum saya baca, jadi untuk sementara ini pengen buku yang ini aja dulu. Kecuali ada yang mau ngasih semuanya, ya saya terima dengan.sangat senang hati hehehe.

Apa Wishful Wednesday-mu minggu ini?


  1. covernya unik, lucu, dan keren
    semoga dapat mbak :)

  2. Covernya adalah daya tarik utama utk mencoba mengetahui lebih banyak lagi tentang isi bukunya :)

  3. Baru tau kalo French parenting ternyata termasuk parenting yang oke. Nanti kalo sudah punya anak coba baca buku ini deh saya. Hehe. Semoga wish-nya tercapai...

  4. waaah keren nih far baru pernah baca amy chua aja...model2 parenting ala prancis kayaknya seru juga ya :) covernya cute!

  5. ih lucu! lucu! lucu!
    kayaknya menarik.. nanti pinjem ya kalau udah dapet #teteup :D
