Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wishful Wednesday [41]

Padahal hari ini banyak rencana di luar rumah. Tapi terpaksa batal gara-gara udara Bandung yang dingin dan sepaket dengan gerimis rintik-rintik. Enggak tega bawa Jav keluar rumah dengan kondisi kaya gini. Daripada bete karena terdampar di rumah, mending berandai-andai aja, buku apa yang saya incer untuk minggu ini. Sejak seminggu yang lalu, saya penasaran sama buku ini. Semoga bisa cepet kesampaian :)

by Kirsten Hubbard
It all begins with a stupid question:
Are you a Global Vagabond?
No, but 18-year-old Bria Sandoval wants to be. In a quest for independence, her neglected art, and no-strings-attached hookups, she signs up for a guided tour of Central America—the wrong one. Middle-aged tourists with fanny packs are hardly the key to self-rediscovery. When Bria meets Rowan, devoted backpacker and dive instructor, and his outspokenly humanitarian sister Starling, she seizes the chance to ditch her group and join them off the beaten path.
Bria's a good girl trying to go bad. Rowan's a bad boy trying to stay good. As they travel across a panorama of Mayan villages, remote Belizean islands, and hostels plagued with jungle beasties, they discover what they've got in common: both seek to leave behind the old versions of themselves. And the secret to escaping the past, Rowan’s found, is to keep moving forward.
But Bria comes to realize she can't run forever, no matter what Rowan says. If she ever wants the courage to fall for someone worthwhile, she has to start looking back.
Kirsten Hubbard lends her artistry to this ultimate backpacker novel, weaving her drawings into the text. Her career as a travel writer and her experiences as a real-life vagabond backpacking Central America are deeply seeded in this inspiring story.
Apa Wishful Wednesday-mu minggu ini?


  1. wishful wednesdeyku es tong tong,loh hehehe...

    1. Hihihi.. td sempet liat judulnya mak Hanna :D. Aku lagi ngidam jalan2 ke toko buku tapi barusan ujan gede maleeus keluar takut hujan gede lagi. Mba Lia, ntr kabarin yah bagus ato engga bukunya. Hehehe

    2. iya nih musim ujan bgini jd males kluar rumah, dingiiin.. apalagi klo mkn es tong2 :p

  2. Sepertinya buku dewasa ya? Heheh... Semoga terkabul Mbak :))


    1. klo liat dr sinopsis sih, umur tokohnya masih 18 tahun kok :)

  3. Kalau tidak salah, buku ini hendak diterjemahkan bukan?

    Well, semoga segera terkabul, kak :)

  4. Selamat Malam Teteh Nathalia, nyimak saj saya yah Teh?
    Soalna acan Uninga ka Buku nu di artikelna Teteh hatur nuhun
    Salam Silalaturrahim mugi Ukhuwah semakin erat dalam blogging amin :)

  5. ini udah diterjemahin kan ya :) semoga terkabul yaaa....
